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Get Cached Models

This is the process of teaching a machine learning model to make accurate predictions by adjusting its parameters using labeled data. It involves optimizing a specific objective function and aims to create a model that generalizes well to new data.

Method: GET Authorization: No<project_id>

Reponse Body

KeyData TypeDescription
idstringProject identification number
user_idstringUser identification number
model_pathstringSaved path for the model
featureslistSet of features
targetslistSet of targets
algo_typestringAlgorithem type
types_mapjsonTypes of the features selected
project_idstringUnique project identiication number
train_accufloatAccuracy of the trained model (between 0-1)
datasetjsonThe prediction dataset
permanent_saveboolIndiacating whether permently saved or not
created_tsintCreated time of the project
updated_tsjsonIf updated, updated time of the project
hyper_paramsjsonThe hyper parameters used for the model


"id": <string>,
"user_id": <string>,
"features": <list>,
"targets": <list>,
"algo_type": <string>,
"types_map": <json>,
"project_id": <string>,
"train_accu": <float>,
"test_accu": <float>,
"dataset": <string>,
"permanent_save": <bool>,
"created_ts": <datatime>,
"updated_ts": <datatime>,
"hyper_params": <json>


"success": true,
"msg": "Model trained successfully",
"error_code": null,
"result": {
"score": {
"train": 0.942446542689397,
"test": 0.9649618042060305
"cached_in": {
"id": "1686023662.253265",
"user_id": "7f7c0c39-0930-43f2-81a3-29e3cffecaa4",
"model_path": "/home/Raccoon-AI-Engine/app/storage/cached/ml/Project1-96507/7f7c0c39-0930-43f2-81a3-29e3cffecaa4/1686023662.253265.jlb",
"features": ["R&D Spend", "Administration", "Marketing Spend", "State"],
"targets": ["Profit"],
"algo_type": "Multiple Linear Regressor",
"types_map": {
"R&D Spend": "float64",
"Administration": "float64",
"Marketing Spend": "float64",
"State": "object",
"Profit": "float64"
"project_id": "Project1-96507",
"train_accu": 0.942446542689397,
"test_accu": 0.9649618042060305,
"dataset": null,
"permanent_save": false,
"created_ts": "2023-06-06T03:54:22.255924",
"updated_ts": "2023-06-06T03:54:22.255929"
"gen_at": "2023-06-06T03:54:22.609745"